Sunday School
Sunday school is open to children who are 3 years and older.
The children participate in worship once a month, and are encouraged to join worship the other weeks. Each year the children have a least one service project where they do an outreach to help those in need.
We have monthly activities for the children outside of Sunday school to foster relationships between the children and give them a chance to have fun and experience new things together.
Confirmation Class
Our confirmation class is a 2-year program that is open to those who are at least entering the 5th grade and are baptized. The program consists of a study of the Holy Supper, the Lutheran Confessions (including Holy Baptism, The Ecumenical Creeds, & the Small Catechism) and of Holy Scripture.
Caring Kids
Caring Kids is a program that runs from September through March. It meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 1:30 to 3:30pm.
The program is open to children 4 and older and during the two hours the children enjoy making crafts and are provided with a light snack. The crafts are donated to area nursing homes and to our sick and shut-ins.
Community Events
St. John's is involved in various events and continues to look for ways of supporting the community around us. Current outreaches include supporting the food pantry, maritime marines, Caring Kids, and the Ken Hummel 5K. We also have other outreaches planned to take place during this upcoming year.
Various Fellowship Events
These include:
* Helping hands
* Youth Group
* Adult Craft Nights
* Monthly activities including fellowship
hours, trips to various shows and attractions,
dinners, and movies
Bible Studies
Bible studies are offered at various times and are on various topics. The dates and times are made available in the bulletin, newsletter, and other sources as applicable.